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Syllabus Information


Spring 2022
May 13, 2024
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Syllabus Information
Typical and Atypical Preschool Development - 11704 - FCSC 2910 - OL1

Associated Term: Spring 2022
Levels: Undergraduate, Undergraduate Second Degree, Undergraduate Third Degree, Licensure Only, Undergraduate

Distance Learning Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Web-Based Instructional Method

Learning Objectives: Recognize and apply the theories and principles of human development, growth and learning with a primary focus on children age 3 through kindergarten. The following domains of development should be included: sensorimotor, cognitive, adaptive, language/communication, social, aesthetic, emotional and physical. (1.1) Identify and describe potential impacts of general and specific disabilities, delays, or risk factors on the different domains of development. (1.2) Recognize and respect the major cultural and sociological differences in child development and views of the child as a functioning individual within the environment. (1.3) Examine the interaction between biological and environmental factors that have a direct influence on or that place the child at risk for developmental delay or disability.(1.4) Explain how children learn in a holistic manner rather than fragmented ways, and the inextricable link between communication skills and the quality of concrete experiences provided through early concept-forming activities. (1.5) Analyze the interrelatedness of all domains of human development for both typical and atypical children. (1.6) Describe the etiology (causes of a disorder), symptomatology (combined symptoms of a disease), and classification of common developmental disabilities or conditions in young children and their developmental impact. (1.7) Describe the ages and stages of growth and development and understanding of the range of behaviors appropriate for each developmental stage from three through five years of age. (1.8) Utilize knowledge of cognitive, social, affective, and psychomotor development in planning and instruction. (1.9)
Required Materials: ISBN-10: 0132893045 ISBN-13: 978-0132893046 Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education (10th ed.) Heward, W. (2012)
Technical Requirements: Students are required to have computers with built-in microphones or headsets with microphones to participate in the virtual environment on Blackboard Collaborate (Elluminate). Webcams are optional.

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